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Precision Booking System

Australian Hay Export Customers

Australian hay export customers
HayCloud is used by exporters in Victoria and Western Australia.

Australian hay exporters are well-known for their quality Oaten Hay and Wheaten hay products. HayCloud helps these exporters through every step of their operation, beginning with purchase contracts with growers. Each purchase contract can encompass multiple paddocks or lots. Export Contracts help manage commitments to customers overseas and allow you to reserve particular paddocks for individual customers. Press Schedules help to maximize pressing efficiency.

HayCloud also has a full set of export document formats customized for Australian exporters. The software can easily be switched to use metric units and to deal in paddocks / dockets / truckees rather than fields / scale tickets / truckers.

Haycloud.com is currently in use by hay exporters in both Victoria and Western Australia.

Request a free 30-day trial today!

800-256-2810 / EMAIL US

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